To Know God
“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!”
Abraham Kuyper, 1837-1920
All Truth is God's Truth
Spiritual Life at CPA is central to all curricula, programming, administration, student, and family life of the school. The Academy believes that all of life and learning is ultimately spiritual and there exists no bifurcation between the sacred and the secular.
At CPA, the study and celebration of all disciplines is through the knowledge of the triune God, acknowledging the doctrine of the trinity and realizing that we live a trinitarian life.
The Bible of the triune God is the epistemological and interpretive lens through which we teach, learn, and evaluate in all aspects of life at CPA. It is through this lens that students come to know God.
Transformation through Education
From a pedagogical standpoint, discovery in the English classroom, the soccer field, the Chemistry lab, the stage, the gym, is all reflective of Christ. The message of Christ (the Gospel) is delivered in the method of Christ (the pedagogy) through the manner of Christ (compassion, kindness, and humility).
Sola Scriptura
The only way that CPA can uphold the Alma Mater, Soli Deo Gloria, to God alone be the glory, is because of a commitment first to Sola Scriptura, Scripture alone.
As a ministry of Christ Presbyterian Church, the Academy's theology is drawn from the Westminster Confession of Faith, its larger and shorter catechisms, which is by no means an equal authority of Scripture but is a clear setting forth of what Scripture teaches in summary fashion. The Academy also holds to the universal creeds of the Christian church: Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, and the Chalcedonian Creed.
Reverend Dr. David Filson leads CPA as Pastor of Theology and Discipleship
Our purpose at Christ Presbyterian Academy is to educate in a way that fosters every student’s unique and God-given design with a goal of equipping each student to see through the lens of the Gospel, think through the filter of the Gospel, and engage through the power of the Gospel. Cornerstones for this distinctive approach are a relevant and rich biblical education built around an authentic and engaging discipleship program.
Dr. Filson's blend of theological acumen, pastoral approachability, and credibility make him an instrumental role in advancing the Spiritual Life of the Academy. His work encompasses everything from aligning PS-12 Bible curriculum to enriching Chapel ministry and resourcing families, students, faculty, and staff.