Christ Presbyterian Academy

Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth

3 JOHN 4:4

CPA’s mission illustrates a covenantal symbiosis between family, church, and Academy for the discipleship of students. The New Testament word for disciple means "learner." All teaching and learning at CPA follows a restorative learning model, calling forth each student made uniquely in God’s image to his or her divine eternal purpose in restoring God’s Kingdom.

Philosophy of Teaching

Teaching at CPA answers the call to make disciples among the nations, modeling intimacy with and imitation of Jesus in the pursuit of knowledge and life-long curiosity alongside students. It is the art and science of empowering students and leading them in wisdom, skill, attitude, and faith needed to effectively pursue divine purpose.

Philosophy of Learning

Learning at CPA involves intimacy with and imitation of Jesus (Mark 13:14 and Luke 6:40). Being a learner of Jesus is not mere data gathering. Instead, it is covenantal, relational learning that leads to loving Him, living for Him. Learning must see all of life and all disciplines of study under the lordship of Christ.

Excellent Instruction through a Christian Worldview

  • Teachers curate circumstances and complexities to refine decision-making in an environment where success and failure are viewed as equal opportunities to learn.
  • Teachers grow relationships with students that are marked by high expectations, mutual respect, and trust.
  • Teachers value diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and frameworks of thought as great assets to learning, informing a well-rounded Christian worldview.
  • Teachers continually improve, collaborating with colleagues on best practices and classroom efficacy.
  • Teachers require students to grapple with opposing viewpoints and novel ideas, addressing problems with critical analysis to form action steps towards restoration.
  • Teachers equip students with Biblical truths throughout all curricula to enlighten them towards God’s sovereignty over all Creation past, present, and future. 

Students Discover their Unique Design and Divine Purpose

  • All mistakes are vehicles for learning.
  • Students are appropriately challenged by high standards of learning that are meaningful and applicable.-Students have the opportunity to apply their learning to every-day problems. 
  • Students interact in widening circles of experience that extend beyond self, peers, socioeconomic, ethnic, and religious familiarity.
  • Students grow in curiosity, gratitude, self-control, empathy, social intelligence, passion, perseverance, and resilience.
  • Students seek God's truth and recognize the instruction of the Holy Spirit as an integral factor in all knowledge acquisition and wisdom.