2030 Strategic Plan: Truer
The Academy is pleased to share its 2030 CPA Strategic Plan Goals and Initiatives! The strategic planning development process began in 2022 and concluded in 2024, and it included...
- Parent, student, faculty, and alumni surveys
- Five committees consisting of parents, board members, alumni, staff, and students focused on each of the five strategic areas below
- In-depth discussions with CPA Leadership and the Board of Trustees to analyze the recommendations of each of the committees, as well as the survey results
Out of this process, the Head of School and CPA Leadership have identified five strategic initiatives and associated major goals that will put CPA on a path to becoming a truer version of what the schools’ founders envisioned in 1985: a school that is faithful to its mission and truer to our call of assisting Christian families in helping students come to know God, evaluate all knowledge and all life by His truth, and live transformed by His truth for His glory.
Strategic Initiatives
- Truer Culture: Aligning Missional Values and Community Actions
- Truer Vocation: Cultivating a Workplace to Grow and Give
- Truer Experience: Discovering Unique Design and Divine Purpose
- Truer Opportunity: Expanding Access to Families
- Truer Future: Sustaining the Mission for Those Who Come Next
Truer Culture: Aligning Missional Values and Community Actions
Truer Vocation: Cultivating a Workplace to Grow and Give
Truer Experience: Discovering Unique Design and Divine Purpose
Truer Opportunity: Expanding Access to Families
Truer Future: Sustaining the Mission for Those Who Come Next
A Note from the Head of School & Board Chair
Dear CPA Community,
After a year of surveys, interviews, focus groups, data analysis, and continual prayer, I am excited to announce our new 2030 Strategic Plan, titled Truer. The name communicates the very essence of the plan. CPA’s way forward is becoming a truer version of the vision God gave our founders in 1985. Modern institutional drivers are often crafted to meet market-dictated needs, trends, and the competitive pressure to “measure better”, “gross better”, or “be better”. Academic institutions are no different. Crafting strategy at the hands of comparison is a dead-end game, running the risk of identity shift, burnout, and faltering values. I believe in a 2030 CPA that has honed excellence in Christian education by diving deeper into what makes us a truer version of ourselves–measuring success by alignment with our mission which is grounded in a Gospel truth that transcends the bending seasons of change.
In this plan, you will read about a proactive commitment to improving and enriching our community from every angle. We have detailed mission-grounded refinement of authentic academic instruction, programming, and vertically-integrated worldview curriculum–growing students that are not just prepared for the demands and rigor of post-secondary education, but present in their walk with Jesus and in the process of becoming the unique men and women God made them to be. You will see Academy priorities laid out, and in turn, the direction of institutional efforts and resources towards those priorities.
As I re-read the founding constitution of CPA throughout the development of this plan, I challenged our leaders to envision every one of our founders and first families returning in 2030, seeing what we have accomplished, and giving a resounding “yes!” We hope by reading Truer, you’ll see a picture of CPA’s future–a school consecrated to Kingdom restoration through exceptional Christian education, navigating the currents of our present culture with integrity and hope, for the glory of God and God alone. As this picture unfolds, we hope you see your family thriving in this covenant partnership, and you too answer with a resounding “Amen!”
Soli Deo Gloria,
Nathaniel H. Morrow
Head of School
Kevin Howard
Board of Trustees, Chair