Christ Presbyterian Academy
Academy publishes The Story of CPA: The First 35 Years

The Story of CPA, the First Thirty-Five Years, began two years ago as a strategic goal for the Academy to capture in pages and photos the history of this very special place, and to encourage one another by remembering what God has done.  

Drawing on formative documents and interviews with the founders began a long process of continual discovery that was further informed by the remembrances and insights of countless alumni, families, and staff who have written the lines with their lives. While it is filled with many facts and dates of our history, this book is not an exhaustive chronology of every detail of what has happened on this campus for those thirty-five years - that would take many volumes! Instead, as an opening page declares, these are “moments we live, memories we carry, milestones we celebrate, shaped by His hand, this is our story.”

In honor of the first 35 years of CPA, this beautiful, commemorative book is available for $35

Books are on sale now in the Roar Store:
Hours: 7:30-9 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. daily

Out of town? Order your book online ( with an additional cost of $15 for shipping and handling. Order HERE.